Two of the sports most exciting events are the "mile" and the 100. I put the mile in quotation marks because there are two versions of the mile. In addition to the actual mile, there is the 1500 meters, often called the metric mile. That's actually kinda cool, because it provides some flexibility when meets are being put together Read More...
The CHill Zone of T&F: Conway's View From the Finish Line
Pulling Up the Last Leg of 2018
Aug 10th, 2018
7:21 pm PDT
7:21 pm PDT
This has been a very interesting season. We knew that it would be, given that it's an off year and off seasons are usually marked by change - and 2018 has seen lots. As a matter of fact, we're looking at a nearly wholesale revamping on the men's side. I can't remember this great a reboot since BALCO laid waste to the landscape back just after the turn of the century Read More...