Recently I saw an article asking whether or not we need to delete events from track and field - and if so which ones. The author said that we have to do this to increase the popularity of the sport. Among the reasons given was the attention span of the general public, and that meets are too long. An example that was given was the fact that track and field during the Olympics takes a little over a week to run! It's not the first article I've seen on the subject - all with similar reasons given Read More...
The CHill Zone of T&F: Conway's View From the Finish Line
Nike Customer Service ReportĀ
Sep 12th, 2016
8:16 pm PDT
8:16 pm PDT
Normally I don't write about things not track related. But in many ways this is track related, so here goes. Recently I had to product "malfunctions" with two completely different outcomes/experiences. One was with my smart phone, a Samsung Galaxy Note 5. The Note comes with a special stylus that is really the heart of the phone Read More...