The CHill Zone of T&F: Conway's View From the Finish Line


Conway Hill

The Times (London) 2012 Olympics featured blogger

Member of TAFWA – Track and Field Writers of America

Welcome to

I am Conway Hill, the Chill in and welcome to my view from the finish line. That’s my favorite spot, the finish line at a track meet. It’s the spot that I occupy at every meet I go to and I’ve been to a lot of meets starting from my youth when I started running track as a member of the local Boys Club.

Yes, I’ve seen a lot of track and field. From youth club competition to Junior High School, High School, College and club competition as a young adult. I competed in other sports, but track and field was always my favorite. And since the ‘80’s anyone that has ever known me well knows that on any given weekend during the springtime and into the summer, I can be found at the finish line of a track meet somewhere in the United States.

I’ve been to the Olympic Trials and the Olympic Games. I’ve watched the NCAA Championships, the US National Championships, Community College and State High school Championships. I grew up going to the Modesto Relays, Fresno Relays, Pepsi Invitational, Bruce Jenner Classic and the double dual meet with UCLA, USC, Stanford and Cal. And I’ve been known to drive from Northern California to Los Angeles to watch a track meet then turn around and drive back home!

I’ve been called a track nerd, track geek, and track rat. I’ve competed; been a timer; announced meets; and have catalogs of photos I’ve taken at meets. I saw Carl Lewis run 9.97 in Modesto when Jim Hines still held the WR at 9.95. I saw Edwin Moses run his 47.45 WR at UCLA, and Mo Greene and Michael Johnson go head up in Sacramento – with both pulling up and John Capel getting the Olympic Trials win! I watched the US v East Germany in Los Angeles and the US v the Soviet Union in Berkeley, when we still ran global duals.

So I’ve sat at a lot of finish lines. Finish lines of cinder tracks; finish lines of Tartan tracks and now finish lines of Mondo tracks. I’ve watched the finish of races timed by crews with stop watches, Accutrak cameras, and now electric eye beams that trigger computers that transmit the results instantly to boards on the infield and Jumbotrons. A view of races and events spanning over forty years and now with the internet I can share my views with you and you can share your’s with me.

Many of you may know me from my blog “The View From the Finish Line”. Thank you for reading. I’ve relocated to this site to make it easier to find with a shorter name, and the ability to add things like a discussion forum so that readers can have a full experience. After all part of the fun of going to a track meet is talking about it with everyone around you! So please let me know what you would like to see on the site. I do this because I love it, but like a track meet it’s more fun when you can share it with the people in the stands. I hope you enjoy the site.

One Response to “About”

  1. IamTrackMom says:

    I love the new look of your site.You always do a great job of sharing our sport. keep you the good work!