The CHill Zone of T&F: Conway's View From the Finish Line

Two Weeks Until Trials

Jun 10th, 2024
11:15 am PDT

As the NCAA Championships end. The European Championships begin to hit their stride. And the New York Grand Prix is in the books. We sit two weeks away from the Olympic Trials! Usually by now, things are pretty solidified as far as who the strong contenders for Team USA are. As I look at my own notes, and graphs, etc however, I'm still hesitant on many many spots for this team Read More...

Early Trials Thoughts

Jun 3rd, 2024
5:24 am PDT

It's about that time. We're about three weeks until the Olympic Trials. Here in the US that's what we call our Olympic team selection meet. Other countries call it something else. While still others use a completely different selection process. No matter what it's called, or how it's done, by the end of June we will know who will be competing in Paris! As the season has progressed, there has been much talk about the competitions to date and how athletes have looked Read More...

The 4×1, Third Leg

Nov 28th, 2023
12:06 pm PST

Since I've given my 100m thoughts, I'm going to jump to the relay before discussing the deuce. Mostly because we've had so much failure in this event and I want to get my thoughts out there early. I was talking about the US relays recently with a coach friend and we agreed that it's really not that difficult to put a squad together - or to coach it Read More...

Budapest Was As Good As Advertised

Aug 30th, 2023
7:05 pm PDT

Prior to the start of Budapest 2023, I foresaw this as potentially one of the greatest championships ever. The losses of several top athletes didn't deter me from this thought. Now that the meet has been run and the results are in, I would say that my original assessment was correct. The depth of talent in this sport is greater than it's ever been Read More...

A Solid US Team is Headed to Budapest

Jul 11th, 2023
10:54 am PDT

Another Championships is in the book. The American team has been selected, for this year's World Championships and it looks to be pretty strong. Our depth across the board is pretty amazing. As we have world leading athletes in most disciplines, both men and women. In many events we will be leaving athletes at home that are capable of standing on the podium in Budapest Read More...

Time to Break the Men’s 4×1 World Record…

May 7th, 2022
1:07 pm PDT

Yes, you read that right. I, a citizen of the United States, am talking about breaking the 4x1 record. Of course, given our men's international record in the event since the mid 90's. I'm sure many of you are either chuckling, or laughing out loud. I mean, just last year, we failed to make the Olympic final Read More...

Pre Championships Update

May 3rd, 2022
1:50 pm PDT

This has been one of the hardest seasons to keep up with that I can remember. And that is actually a good thing. Literally every time I've tried to sit down and write about my thoughts on the season, news of something faster, further, or higher goes across my screen. Making me feel like I'm always behind Read More...

Early Season Thoughts

Jan 18th, 2022
3:41 pm PST

Hear ye, hear ye. The 2022 season has begun! A slew of indoor invitationals have got things finally going. And while we're a couple of weeks away from the "elite" invites. We've away gotten some pretty outstanding results coming in. Enough for me to say that 2022 could be an even better year statistically than last year! Some thoughts from this weekend Read More...

And They’re Off

Jan 26th, 2021
9:12 pm PST

Yes, the Road to Tokyo has begun as the 2021 season is now under way, with all indications being that this year is going to be as HOT as lava in a volcano! Two weekends, two indoor world records. An American record. Several moves into the all time lists. The start of a US track league. And just a rash of outstanding performances Read More...

Finally a 4×1 Victory

Oct 21st, 2019
11:02 am PDT

The US did it! We won a major 4x1, coming home with gold in Doha. The monkey is off our back! I wouldn't get too excited just yet however. That's one win in the last twelve years. And behind us was the fastest finish for place in places 2-5 - because the world has gotten FASTER in the last decade plus Read More...