The CHill Zone of T&F: Conway's View From the Finish Line

My Opinion on Track Leagues

Sep 23rd, 2024
6:30 pm PDT

There has been a lot of talk this year about new track "leagues" that are scheduled to begin in 2025. Let me begin by saying that people that know me know that I'm a stickler for accuracy and correct "wording", because in my education I was taught very sternly that, "words have meaning" so use them properly Read More...

Is Track and Field Dead?

Sep 18th, 2024
8:08 am PDT

Is Track and Field dead? That's a question that has been raised often this year in many forms. Anyone that watched any portion of track during the Olympics will agree with my answer of, no. As a sport, track and field is as exciting as ever! Track has all of the elements of every other sport. Athletics is the essence of sport itself Read More...

Brussels, Sydney, and Athletics

Sep 6th, 2024
3:05 pm PDT

The season is almost at an end. The only thing left is the Diamond League final. A two day competition between the top Diamond League contenders. Always a good competition, and a nice end to the season. So why is the controversy this year? Well, because Sydney McLaughlin Levrone has decided that she wants to run! But didn't I say that the meet is a competition between the top Diamond League contenders? Yes Read More...