We've got about a week and a half until Christmas, then another week until the calendar turns to 2014. Somehow it seems like a long way back to Moscow and it feels like it's been a very long year in general. I've not posted in a couple weeks or so because I've been reflecting back on the season, trying to figure out just what I wanted to say, because to be honest it hasn't been my favorite season ever Read More...
The CHill Zone of T&F: Conway's View From the Finish Line
We Need MORE Track Towns, Not Just One
9:19 am PST
In my last post, I mentioned several things that I would like to see happen in 2014 - and I will address all ten of them during the early part of the new year. Reading the news yesterday morning, however, I decided to close out the year with something I don't want to see happen. The establishment of permanent sites for major championship meets in the United States Read More...
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