The CHill Zone of T&F: Conway's View From the Finish Line

My Thoughts on the World Relay Championships

Jun 21st, 2014
4:21 pm PDT

Focusing on coaching my high school kids, I missed discussing the early season to date, primarily the Diamond League and the World Relays Championship. That's a lot of action/discussion, so will tackle one then the other and will start with the World Relays Championships since the subject has already come up Read More...

Perhaps the Youth Will Lead

Jun 11th, 2014
10:28 pm PDT

It's early June and the "elite"  track season is about to hit high gear. Pre last week; Oslo today; NCAA Championships started today; and the New York Grand Prix on Saturday. It doesn't get much better than that if you're a track fan - or does it? Well, on the flip side of the coin, the high school athletes here in California are just winding down their season Read More...

We Need MORE Track Towns, Not Just One

Dec 29th, 2013
9:19 am PST

In my last post, I mentioned several things that I would like to see happen in 2014 - and I will address all ten of them during the early part of the new year. Reading the news yesterday morning, however, I decided to close out the year with something I don't want to see happen. The establishment of permanent sites for major championship meets in the United States Read More...

Are the Athletes Truly Ready to Make Change?

Sep 25th, 2012
4:51 pm PDT

One of the big off track stories of the Olympics, was the athlete protest against IOC Rule #40 which prohibits athletes from promoting their sponsors during the Games. No tweets, headphones, headbands, in short nothing that in any way would “advertise” any sponsor that is not an “Official” Olympic sponsor Read More...