If you're a true fan of the sport then you are in Heaven like me, because we have wall to wall track and field –highlighted by the NCAA Division I Championships and today's Golden Gala in Rome. So far both have been full of surprises, for different reasons. I'll start with Rome, the fourth entry in the Diamond League Read More...
The CHill Zone of T&F: Conway's View From the Finish Line
Rome to Begin 10 Hot Days of T&F
May 30th, 2012
7:31 am PDT
7:31 am PDT
The US Olympic Trials begin in just a few weeks - June 22 to be exact - with several other national Trials around the same time period. Assuming that most athletes will want to rest award of the big meet, the next couple of weeks are going to be critical competitively, for most athletes as they prepare for their first “peak” of the season Read More...