Track and field is blessed to have some of the greatest athletes ever competing today. Nearly every event has individuals that are either in the top 3-5 all time in their event or are a world record threat! And that's not counting the events where the present works record holder is competing! As a matter of fact, there are events where all of the aforementioned are currently competing! It's a great time to be a fan of this sport from a purely competitive perspective Read More...
The CHill Zone of T&F: Conway's View From the Finish Line
The Sprints New World Order
Jul 22nd, 2018
2:53 pm PDT
2:53 pm PDT
The "Old Guard" is officially gone. It took a long time as athletes have longer careers than in the past, but it still happens. The athletes that have dominated the world stage since 2004 have finally given way to the new generation of sprinters and hurdlers. When the next championship cycle begins in 2019, there will be a slew of new young athletes taking the podium Read More...
Surprise – 2017 World Championships
Aug 22nd, 2017
1:28 pm PDT
1:28 pm PDT
If you thought you knew what was going to happen in London - you were wrong. The one thing that everyone had right, is that this is the last we will see of Usain Bolt and Mo Farah on the World Championships track. How those stories would end proved to be a community event, as opposed to solo writing, as some other athletes had their say Read More...