Olympic years are always exciting for sports fans because that global showcase will take place this summer. That means we will see the best that track and field (among other sports) has to offer - the best athletes competing head to head. Sad that I can't say that in any other year, but unfortunately we don't get this type of competition in any other year with any regularity Read More...
World Championships Review, Individuals Pt 2
9:46 am PDT
Time to finish up my thoughts on the individual performances from the World Championships. As this was not one of my favorite Worlds, for reasons already discussed, there were more performances that I was disappointed in than those I was ecstatic about. So many that as I started writing this I had to edit down to a reasonable number Read More...
Where are the Jump Stars?
12:31 pm PST
This time of year my mind runs continuously to thoughts of how we can better market the sport. What can track and field do so that others can see the sport that I see when I sit and watch a meet? More often than not, I keep coming back to the fact that we live in a society that is obsessed with stars! With 24 hour news; highlights on ESPN; and social networking sites like Twitter and Instagram, an outstanding performance or two and a Colin Kaepernic can become a global sensation virtually overnight! Track too has had it's overnight sensations – a total of 700 meters in Beijing made Usain Bolt a household name Read More...